PACK & SEND Ships (a Model of) Cheap Housing


PACK & SEND Ships (a Model of) Cheap Housing

model-house1.jpgPreviously we brought you the story of Tony Stamboulie, a PACK & SEND franchise owner of 18 years, and how he helped ship a model particle accelerator. This time Tony has helped ship a model house. But this is not just any house.

Tony explained what his latest client, Nev Hyman of NevHouse, wanted to send: “Nev has come up with the idea for cheap housing for natural disaster affected areas. This housing is made from recycled plastic and when constructed, can be put together very simply.”

Nev needed to take a model of the housing and sample materials all the way to Luxembourg to speak in front of delegates to ask for the opportunity for funding. He was referred to PACK & SEND by the architect behind the design.



Tony explained that although the 3D printed model was very fragile, utilising their specialised equipment and know-how, they were soon able to come up with the perfect packaging. The shipping of this package was also made easier by the fact that the customer was boarding a flight with the precious cargo at hand.

Once again, PACK & SEND helped send a fragile but very important package, making it easier for clients to focus on what they're good at, rather than packing their products!


PACK & SEND are the experts in packing fragile freight for dispatch overseas.  No job is too big or small, from sending a laptop to New Zealand, to moving servers to Singapore or artwork to Argentina – we take care of everything. Give us a call today on 1300 668 000.

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