The Best Websites for IT Managers


The Best Websites for IT Managers


With the ever-evolving world of IT, it’s important for managers to stay in touch with the latest trends and news within the industry, as well as the discipline of management. While it is important to be up to date, there is an over-abundance of online content on the subjects of management and IT.  For those just starting out, finding the most informative resources can time consuming. Here is our list to help you start following great sites that will keep you on top of your management game and all the new changes within the world of IT.

Business Insider

Business Insider is a website with a very broad scope on the idea of business itself. There is a lot of content across a lot of areas, a lot of which doesn’t actually apply to IT management. However, the Tech and Media sections will keep you up to date on everything in IT. There are also plenty of great stories to inspire, lead and inform IT professionals in the Strategy section.

Tech Republic

Tech Republic is much more directly focused on tech-related news, with a strong career perspective. There’s an entire section dedicated to IT management, perfect for an IT manager! There’s also a heap of “How to’s” for a lot of recent tech related issues.


Tech Republic is actually part of ZDNet, but where Tech Republic focuses solely on IT with strategies and peer-to-peer advice, ZDNet has a slightly broader scope. It is definitely still tailored towards IT professionals, focusing on trends, technologies and opportunities. This site will help you keep up to date with hot topics, emerging trends as well as the latest news and events.


CIO is very business focused, aimed at business executives. It has some great leadership and management content along with how to use consumer tech in a business setting. The value of CIO comes in their IT Strategy section which covers how companies are tackling IT with new and exciting tactics. It’s perfect reading for IT professionals.

Harvard Business Review

The Harvard Business review curates a number of business style blogs from a range of published authors. While this content is mainly aimed at their readership of business executives, there is a lot of useful information for managers of any discipline. It is quite academic based so there’s a lot to learn!

Ars Technica Business

Ars Technica covers tech and gadgets for IT professionals quite extensively. More importantly, they have an entire section dedicated to “Biz & IT” ensuring you can focus on the latest news and information related to your career.

Seth’s Blog

Seth Godin is a very well-known author and marketer. His blogs are quick and easy to read but highly thought provoking and interesting. You might think marketing doesn’t apply to you or your position as an IT manager, but you may be surprised by how relevant this blog is. Either way it’s easy to digest and is guaranteed to start some ideas within the office.


Yet another great site that covers a lot of content designed for managers. They have an entire section on productivity which will help ensure you and those you are managing make the best use of your time. You will also be able to keep up to date with tech and gadget news.

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