Start an Online Fashion Shop with These Helpful Tips!


Start an Online Fashion Shop with These Helpful Tips!


There’s no doubting that online shopping is a huge industry that will only continue to grow as consumers and retailers alike become more comfortable and knowledgeable about this trend. In Australia alone, fashion eCommerce is a $3.15B market, $2B of that is spent entirely with Domestic Australian merchants. Fashion is the 3rd largest category of online sales, behind groceries and homeware.

The following tips are designed to help anyone, from those just starting out to more experienced sellers, capitalise on the Online Fashion industry.

Decide on your Unique Selling Point.

 What makes your product special? Why should your customers buy from your site and not any other site? Is your product budget, or more focused on quality? Is it sourced from environmentally friendly materials? Whatever it is, make it clear and easy for your costumers to see.

Think About Your Shop Name

This point is obvious. Make your shop name something relevant and unforgettable. It should also be simple, not too long or complex. The key here is something that’s easy to remember. Word of mouth is an important aspect of marketing, so when a customer is asked where they bought their nice dress/shirt/jewellery, you want them to be able to name your site.

Study the Market

This goes back to tip number 1. You want your product to be more desirable than your competitors. The Number one driver for eCommerce fashion purchases is value for money, followed by ease and convenience and the variety of the products available online. Find out who your competitors are and see how you can do certain things better than them.

Holding sales, special offers, and loyalty rewards can also prove helpful to draw attention towards your product.

Clean up Your Site

Your online site is clearly one of the most important parts of selling your products online. You want it to be as easy as possible for customers to view and buy your products. Using categories, images, and simple designs will help your visitors know what they’re doing.

Be Descriptive

When selling your products, you want consumers to know all about your product and how great it is. When writing descriptions, think about your target audience and what they want. Pitch it to them! Include as many specifics as you can from materials to special features and sizes. Write with passion and excitement!

Be Visual

Now that your site and descriptions are looking good, you will want to include some high-quality photographs. Think about your target market and the image you are trying to portray and decide if you want to display your clothes on models or on their own. Either way, be sure to include several images showing different aspects of your product from different angles. Good images and descriptions help your customers know what they are getting, helping them to part with their cash and limiting the chances of them returning their purchase.

Factor in Postage

Postage, or free shipping rather, is a big selling point for online shoppers. Expensive shipping costs can quickly deter potential customers, so factoring in shipping costs into the overall cost of a product allows you to offer free shipping. PACK & SEND can help you with all your shipping needs at affordable rates.

Great Customer Support is Important

With great photos and product descriptions, and correct sizing information, hopefully you shouldn’t get too many returns. But when this inevitably does happen, having a no-fuss return policy goes a long way. Customers notice how returns are accepted and are more likely to come back to your store if you are understanding and accept that you may have been at fault.

There you have it, 8 simple but effective tips to help you start up your own online fashion shop, or perhaps even help you start selling more.

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